Dear Readers of the blog,
I thank you for your assiduity in following my blog.
The holiday break is in front of us, and I wish you, and all your beloved ones, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
May all your wishes be fulfilled, and your dreams become true, be it in your private or in your professional life. Stay in good shape!

I am looking forward to further discussions and comments.
We might not always agree, but I wish for 2025 more understanding and less contentious issues, at lesst from some.
Technique can, as such, range under exact science, but law, including patent law, is a question of interpretation, and its it normal that positions may differ.
Any discussion should come to a reasonable end, even in agreeing that we disagree.
D.X. Thomas
4 replies on “Season Greetings”
Thank you for your very helpful blog, and a Happy New Year to you!
Dear Anna,
Thanks for your kind words and wishes. They encourage me to persevere!
All the best, at home and at work!
Well said, Daniel. I wish you a festive entry into the New Year and much stimulating conversation through the year.
A leading US patent law blog has recently put up the shutters to comments, admitting them only from paid-up contributors. Other blogs vet comments before letting them through to publication. This results in a loss of momentum, which can be a pity.
As to your own blog, I wish you a healthy flow of comments which allows you to let them all through to publication, the energy to monitor the emerging blog comments promptly, and the ruthlessness summarily to delete (in your absolute discretion, and without explanation) any postings that you find offensive.
People will soon learn what tone to strike, what not to write, if they want their posts to remain visible to other readers.
Dear Max Drei,
Thanks for your kind words.
I do consider a blog as a forum for discussion. Making people pay for comments is an abomination.
Experience shows that things are never black or white. It is natural that opinions differ. It is part of life’s rich tapestry.
My aim is to accept all comments and it was only in 2024 that I have had to delete a comment. It simply went to far. I am a too free mind to agree with censorship.
I do however deeply dislike apodictic comments coming from people thinking only they are in possession of the truth. They even go as far as considering that the boards had it all wrong over the years, and only they know what is right. This might be the type of comments I could delete in the future.
It will remain an absolute exception and by no means a rule.
There is also no need to complain to the webmaster if a comment or blog entry displeases some people. It reminds me of kids saying “I will tell your dad”. A childish attitude, not worth of a member of the IP community.