EP 3 594 009 B1 relates to a lithographic printing plate precursor and a method of preparing a lithographic printing plate.
Brief outline of the procedure before the UPC
EP 3 594 009 B1 is in force in Germany and the UK.
FUJIFILM Corporation instituted infringement proceedings before the LD Düsseldorf of the UPC against a group of Kodak companies, all domicilated in Germany, in the following “Kodak”.
Kodak filed a counterclaim for revocation.
As a result of the revocation action, the CFI the LD Düsseldorf decided that EP 3 594 009 B1 is to be revoked in the territory of all Contracting Member States in which the patent has effect.
The infringement action was dismissed.
FUJIFILM shall bear the costs of the infringement action and the counterclaim for revocation.
The interesting part is that the CFI LD Düsseldorf considered that the UPC has jurisdiction to hear the infringement action in respect of the UK part of the patent.
Kodak’s point of view on the territorial competence of the UPC
Kodak argued that, by rising the defence of invalidity of the patent in suit, the UPC lacks jurisdiction over the European Patent insofar as it relates to the UK. Pursuant to Art. 34 UPCA, Germany is the only Contracting Member State for which the patent in suit still has effect.
The UK is not a Contracting Member State of the UPC. On this basis alone, it follows that the territorial scope of a decision of the UPC in this case cannot be extended to the UK.
Kodak also referred to the Brussels Regulation 1215/2012 to deny the competence of the UPC to the UK and considered that the UPC would not be able to render a decision which would result in the revocation of the UK part of the European Patent.
FUJIFILM’s point of view on the territorial competence of the UPC
FUJIFILM argued that the UPC’s jurisdiction covers not only infringing acts of Kodak in the existing UPC Member States, but also in the UK.
According to Art 34 UPCA, “Decisions of the Court shall cover, in the case of a European patent, the territory of those Contracting Member States for which the European patent has effect”.
The UPC was clearly intended to have jurisdiction also over non-Contracting Member States, at least in some cases. This follows from Art. 71b Brussels Ibis Regulation.
The Claimant may claim damages for infringement of the patent in the UK, including for the period during which the UK was still an EU Member State. Art. 67 of the UK-EU Withdrawal Agreement provides that the provisions of the Brussels Ibis Regulation “shall apply” to all legal proceedings instituted before the end of the transition period, which ended on 31.12.2020.
An alternative legal basis for the Court to grant the requested provisional relief is RoP 118.2 UPC. This rule allows the Court to grant relief subject to the validity of the enforced patent being confirmed by the EPO in opposition proceedings. This rule could be applied analogously in the present case, where relief could be granted subject to the UK courts confirming the validity of the patent in potential revocation proceedings.
The CFI’s decision
Both the infringement action and the counterclaim for revocation are admissible.
With regard to the UK, Kodak has lodged a preliminary objection. This preliminary objection was admissible but unfounded.
Since the revocation action seeks only the revocation of the patent in suit in the territory of the Contracting Member States, the question whether the UPC has jurisdiction for revocation actions concerning the validity of third-state-patents does not arise.
However, the UPC has also competence to hear the case with respect to the infringement action for the UK.
Since there is currently no opt-out under Art. 83(3) UPCA from the exclusive jurisdiction of the UPC with respect to the patent in suit, the UPC – as a court common to the Member States of the UPCA – has international jurisdiction for the present counterclaim for revocation pursuant to Art. 24(4), 71a(2)a), 71b(1) of the Brussels Ibis Regulation.
Pursuant to Art. 4(1) Brussels Ibis Regulation, persons domiciled in a Member State, whatever their nationality, shall be sued in the courts of that Member State. Kodak is domiciled in Germany.
For the CFI LD Düsseldorf, the ECJ has accepted that the international element required for the application of the Brussels Ibis Regulation may not only be intra-EU, see Kalden, GRUR Patent 2023, 178, 182 cf. 48.
This understanding is also supported by the Advocate General’s opinion of 22 February 2023, which describes the jurisdiction of the courts of the Member State in which the defendant is domiciled under Art. 4(1) Brussels Ibis Regulation as universal.
It may therefore extend to the infringement of the European patent committed in all the States for which it has been granted. In summary, that provision enables the patent holder to bring all his or her infringement claims before a single court and to obtain a comprehensive relief from a single forum, cf. ECJ, 1.3.2005 – C-281/02, cf. 31.
Contrary to Kodak’s view, the phrase „matter governed by that instrument“ is not to be read as limiting to the territorial scope of the Contracting Member States, but only as limiting the legal matters transferred by the UPCA from the national courts of the Member States to the UPC.
Another argument in favour of this understanding is that Art. 71b(1) Brussels Ibis Regulation recognises the jurisdiction of the UPC under EU law as established by the transfer of the Contracting Member States and limits the effect of the transfer so that it applies only to the extent that the transferring Contracting Member State would have had jurisdiction under the Brussels Ibis Regulation, cf. Grabinski/W. Tilmann, Einheitspatent, EPGÜ Art. 23 31, cf. 15.
Under the Brussels Ibis Regulation, the transferring Contracting Member State does indeed have jurisdiction over third state patent infringement actions in accordance with the case law of the ECJ, as shown above. The jurisdiction of the UPC is therefore not more limited than that of a national patent infringement court, as not all EU Member States have become Members of the UPCA.
Art. 34 UPCA covers the territorial scope of the Court’s decision within the territory of the Contracting Member States, but does not exclude decisions having effect beyond the territory of the Contracting Member States.
Art. 34 UPCA does not refer to all decisions of the UPC, but only to decisions covering “in the case of a European patent the territory of those Contracting Member States for which the EP has effect”.
European patents are not necessarily in force in all Contracting Member States, so that Art. 34 UPCA can also be understood to clarify that, in the case of a European patent, decisions of the UPC normally cover the entire territory of the UPC, only with the exception of the territories of those Contracting Member States where that European patent is not or is no longer in force, see Kalden, GRUR-Patent 2023, 178, 182 cf. 46, 47.
To summarise, the CFI is of the opinion that, if the defendant is domiciled in a Contracting Member State, the UPC has jurisdiction to hear the infringement action in respect of the UK part of the patent in suit.
This also applies if the defendant has filed a counterclaim for revocation in respect of the German part of the patent in suit. Even then, as regards the infringement action concerning the UK, the UPC has jurisdiction to hear the case.
The present decision shows at best how the UPC intends to have a long-arm jurisdiction extending outside the UPC Contracting States.
It is to be noted that all articles of doctrine referred to in the decision have been drafted by people who supported and promoted the UPC, some having even now a position as judge in the CoA.
Doctrine is one aspect, and merely represents opinions, but it does not replace interpretation of legal rules by competent bodies. In the present case the LD Düsseldorf is both judge and party.
In its order UPC_CFI_130/2024-ACT_14944/2024, the CFI LD The Hague had decided that it had competence over Irland, although Irland had signed but not ratified the UPCA.
In its order UPC_CoA_388/2024-APL_39884/2024, the CoA UPC held that only countries that have not only signed but also ratified the UPCA are Contracting Member States and set aside the part of the order relating to Irland.
A referral to the ECJ is needed
As the CFI bases its opinion on decisions of the ECJ, it appears necessary for the UPC to refer questions to the CJEU, as to the territorial competence of the UPC. If the CFI has not done so, the CoA could do so.
It would also be interesting to know whether the CJEU considers the UPC as a court common to the Contracting Member States and as part of their judicial system, cf. Art 21 UPCA. Art 21 UPCA is a mere declaration.
This is the more so in view of the of the preceding discussion on the competence of the UPC for Irland.
Has the UK actually left the UPCA?
The question whether the UK has actually left the UPCA is still open as the UPCA does not contain any exit clause.
The decisions of the Administrative Committee of the UPC dealing with the consequences of Brexit do not appear to have any legal basis, since those decisions have amended the UPCA in a way which defies any legal reasoning.
None of the mechanisms provided for in the VCLT in case of the absence of an exit clause in a treaty have been respected.
Final comment
The present action also shows the deleterious effect of not having limited the period in which an infringement action can be filed at the UPC once infringement has been established.
This is without any doubt to the benefit of all the firms of legal representatives, mostly Anglo-Saxon, hoping to fill even more their already deep pockets. We should not forget that their members were instrumental in the setting up of the RoP UPC which escaped any scrutiny of the ratifying parliaments.
4 replies on “EP 3 594 009 B1 – UPC_CFI_355/2023 – LD Düsseldorf revokes a patent but asserts that it has jurisdiction on the UK part of the patent”
Thank you very much for your detailed analysis of this case addressing the UPC competence regarding the recast Brussels I bis Regulation.
Regarding the referral to CJEU you have mentioned, I share your thoughts that it would be interesting to have a written decision whether the CJEU considers or not UPC as a court common to the Contracting Member States in view of recital (11) of this Brussels I bis Regulation:
(11) For the purposes of this Regulation, courts or tribunals of the Member States should include courts or tribunals common to several Member States, such as the Benelux Court of Justice when it exercises jurisdiction on matters falling within the scope of this Regulation. Therefore, judgments given by such courts should be recognised and enforced in accordance with this Regulation.
Moreover, it would be also interesting to follow the pending C-339/22 case (BSH Hausgeräte/Electrolux) before the CJEU and particularly whether this Court will follow or not the two provisional opinions of the Advocate General Emiliou dated February 22nd, 2024 and September 5th, 2024.
@ Anonymous
Thanks for your comments, which I fully subscribe.
It should not be forgotten that the defunct European Patent Litigation Agreement (EPLA) was submitted to the CJEU which decided in its famous Opinion C 1/09 that the EPLA was not compatible with European Law.
The UPCA was never submitted to the CJEU in order to check that it was compatible with European Law. The promoters of the UPCA simply introduced some references to European Law, and declared in Art 21 UPCA that the UPC was a court common to the Contracting Member States and part of their judicial system.
The allegation in Art 21 was never checked, and certainly not by the CJEU. The promoters merely claimed that the amendments brought into the EPLA were sufficient to guarantee the conformity of the UPCA with European Law. They staunchly refused to submit the UPCA to the CJEU.
There were voices at the time requesting the UPCA to be checked by the CJEU. One wonders why this did not occur? It the promoters of the UPCA were so sure of their position, it would not have harmed having it checked by the CJEU. The long delay due to Brexit could have been used to carry out this check.
Lobbyism did the rest.
Apart from the jurisdiction issue, the decision provides detailed explanations regarding claim interpretation which deserve attention, esp. in connection with case G 1/24 before the EBA. See the following excerpt from section B.II.1 (page 27) :
“a patent may be used as its “own lexicon” (UPC_CoA_335/2023, Order of 26 February 2024, Head-note 2 – NanoString v 10x Genomics; UPC_CFI_14/2024 (CD Munich), Decision of 16 July 2024, Headnote 1 – Regeneron v Amgen).”
This clearly states the UPC’s position regarding question 3 before the EBA. This question arose in the patent at suit in the referring decision T 439/22 as to whether the term “gathered sheet” was to be interpreted according to its “ordinary meaning” or according to a specific definition of this term in the description of the original application, which included two different meanings in addition to the “ordinary meaning”. This question, albeit narrow, provided a basis in T 439/22 for raising the much broader question of whether Art 69 EPC is applicable to claim interpretation in EPO proceedings.
As to the general rule of claim interpretation, the decision states as follows in the same section :
“The normal rule of claim construction is that the terms used in a claim should be given their broadest technically sensible meaning in the context of the claim in which they appear. Thus, the description cannot be relied on to exclude subject-matter which the broadest technically sensible meaning of the terms used in a claim would include as part of what is claimed (UPC_CoA_335/2023, Order of 26 February 2024, reasons 4.d.cc. – NanoString v 10x Genomics).”
It is noteworthy that the mention in the decision of the “broadest technically sensible meaning” exactly matches the settled case law of the EPO, applied in many BOA decisions, including very recent decisions T 1886/22 and T 1345/23 of 5 November 2024. It is surprising that T 439/22 did not explicit mention this rule.
Since the UPC does apply Art 69 for claim interpretation, the decision makes it clear that the principle which is the settled case law of the EPO is fully compatible with Art 69.
The decision provides several illustrations of the “normal rule”. An interesting example relates to the interpretation of indefinite article “a”, which may mean “one” or “one or more” (the French eqivalent for the English “a” is “un”, which is more ambiguous since it means both “a” and “one”).
@ Mr Hagel,
Thanks for your comments.
It was a deliberate choice, not to discuss the interpretation side of the decision.
The questions raised by the alleged competence for the UK were such, that this point was predominant.
I would observe that the notion of “the patent is its own dictionary” is not compatible with the notion of “the broadest technically sensible meaning”.
Either one takes into account “the broadest technically sensible meaning”, that is to give a meaning as broad of possible to a given feature, or one takes the meaning given by “the patent is its own dictionary” which is, in most of the case, different from the “the broadest technically sensible meaning”, and in general more restricted.
I would also add that, taking into account Art 31 VCLT, Art 69 deals with interpretation of the claims in case of infringement, which is necessarily broader, cf. Art 1 Protocol, than that possible in examination/opposition, especially when determining what is considered “directly and unambiguously derivable”.
Some boards have considered that Art 69 should be applied when assessing Art 123(2). T 1473/19 is representative of this line of thoughts.
Not taking into account this notion, and limiting the questions to Art 52-57, and not including Art 123(2), is a big shortcoming in the questions referred to the EBA in T 439/22. .
I will not get tired of repeating it, but the founding fathers of the EPC have, for obvious reasons, limited the competence of the EPO to examination and opposition. It will thus be inevitable that, in matters of interpretation, diverging decisions will occur between the EPO and the UPC, as they have appeared between the EPO and national jurisdictions.
As far as decisions of the UPC are concerned, they might be noted by the EPO, but this does not mean that the EPO should follow them as required by the CoA UPC in it decision UPC_CoA_22/2024, commented on this blog.