EQE - exam advice, e-EQE environment

Internet Resources & Calendars during EPAC 2022 & EQE 2023

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During the exams, only LIMITED ONLINE ACCESS will be available. NO DIGITAL COPIES of references will be available on your computer, and you CANNOT OPEN ANY DOCUMENTS or CALENDARS on your computer during the exam. So, you will need to print references and CALENDARS yourself before the exam. WISEflow allows access via the Permitted Internet Resources menu (previously called External Resources) to EPO Legal Texts (En / Ge / Fr) and PCT APPLICANT’s Guide (En / Fr) only.

  1. EPO Legal Texts opens in a new tab to: >www.epo.org >Law & practice >Legal texts
    • This is the public EPO website, so the info is valid on the day of the exam. This agrees with the announced EPAC cut-off date in the marking rules.
    • Before the exam, practice using the Advanced website search (in html pages): Home >Search
      • link is on EPO home page and at bottom right on Legal Texts page
      • search can be limited to specific language and specific legal texts
  2. PCT APPLICANT’S GUIDE opens in a new tab to www.wipo.int/pct/en/guide >EQE Candidates
    • This is a special version of the Applicants Guide made for EQE, valid on 31 Oct 2022
    • It is not possible to browse to the rest of the WIPO website www.wipo.int
    • The home page includes links at the top to html versions of the Introduction to the International Phase and the National Phase, and a long list of links to html pages with all the annexes for each PCT state. Each Introduction and each State opens in a new tab.
    • Get used to scrolling down through long html pages. Each page includes “jump down” links at the top and a “jump to top” arrow on the bottom-right. See below for keyboard shortcuts that can be used.
  3. CALENDARS are NOT PROVIDED with the exam, so PRINT them.
    • Although you have access to the EPO closing day notices, there is no overview of weekends available. You also cannot use the calendar on your computer during the exam.
    • We have made a set of Exam Calendars available, including the closing days from the EPO, as well as some guidance about using them and calculating time limits.
    • For EQE 2023, you need calendars of 2021, 2022, 2022. I have not found any instructions for EPAC, so I have also included 2020 to be safe.

Test your access during the mocks – some firewalls block access, so you may need to whitelist the www.epo.org and pctlegal.wipo.int domains BEFORE the exam. Practice navigating these sites in WISEflow because common functions are restricted:

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