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Good Morning IP.appify Blog

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Dear friends and colleagues,

Some of you have noticed that I have disappeared from LinkedIn. This is correct.

The LinkedIn chapter is closed for me. I will not dwell on it as it would not bring matters forward.

All along I received a lot of suggestions to start my own blog. I confess that the task seemed daunting and I was not really prepared to put the necessary effort into it.

I have however decided to concentrate my efforts on purely IP themes and found a safe haven in a new blog under the auspices of IP.appify which is prepared to accept my comments on IP matters and especially on decisions of the Boards of Appeal of the EPO.

I am rather old, and even a grandfather in the strict meaning of the word, but I still have enough energy to think and report about IP issues.   

The comments I will publish on this platform are my full responsibility and do not engage in any manner that of the platform owners.

You will be informed on LinkedIn when I have published IP matters so it will be easy to find the comments on this new platform.

I am looking forward to your future comments, whether positive or negative.


An IP grandfather

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33 replies on “Good Morning IP.appify Blog”

Martin Wilmingsays:

as long as you keep up your critical attitude, I will follow your posts everywhere … πŸ˜‰

Katerina Hartvichovasays:

Great, Daniel! And thanks to the IP.appify team to provide this safe haven for Daniel. His views are very open and that is what we all need now. Looking forward to reading the articles of all the blog team members!

Eva Bocksays:

Dear Daniel,
Thank you for further commenting on EPO decisions. The view and experience of a grandfather is sometimes very helpful.
Best, Eva

Gaye R. Partlaksays:

I am very glad to hear from you, Daniel! Looking forward to read your blog!
Best wishes,

Nils Lindenmaiersays:

Dear Daniel,

Great to have you back. I have always enjoyed reading your critical comments and look very forward to reading your posts here!

Thank you for your continuous effort and keep on writing!

Daniel Xavier Thomassays:

Dear all,

I am overwhelmed with your messages of sympathy.
I wholeheartedly say thank you.

II will try to keep up with your expectations!

My aim is by no means to be critical for the sake of it.
This is not helpful and does not bring us further.

If my comments can help becoming aware of some problematic situations, or draw the attention of certain evolutions of case law, I will be very happy.
Even if we might disagree at times, it seems important to discuss matters.
Do not hesitate to comment!

I wish you all a happy Easter!

Daniel, the IP grandpa.

PS If you intend to comment, please do it on IP.appify as I will not see any comment on LinkedIn.

Irina Iselindsays:

Dear Daniel,

I am so happy to hear from you. I look forward to reading your insightful posts, and I hope to keep in touch outside LinkedIn.

Happy Easter,

Bart van Wezenbeeksays:

Hi Daniel, as a fellow grandpa I can understand your desire to share your knowledge and criticisms. I am happy that you are still able and willing to provide us with your insights. Best regards, Bart

Susi Fishsays:

Hi Daniel, I was very pleased to see your presence in the IP commentary world will continue, albeit in a different space! Welcome back.

Claire Mouget Goniotsays:

Hi Daniel I appreciate your caselaw comments and I am very happy for you having found a very good fallback position to continue your review. Thanks to IP.appify.de I am waiting for the comment.

Dear Daniel I think your posts provide very insightful overviews and do greatly contribute to the developments on points of law which today are still matter of debate. Looking forward to keep learning from them.

Roel van Woudenberg (DeltaPatents)says:

Hi Daniel,

β€œEen vos verliest wel zijne haren maar niet zijne streken”, en ook niet zijn interesses en passies.
Good to hear that you continue to discuss case law and share your views with us!
Hope to see you seem again in person somewhere, rather than just on a screen!
Groeten, Roel

Roel van Woudenberg (DeltaPatents)says:

By the way, what is your opinion on the proposed change of Rule 126(2) EPC and the time frame on which it is proposed to be implemented (per 1 Nov this year, while we are in late April and wink information has been formally published so far)

Montse JanΓ©says:

Hi Daniel, I was sure you will find the way to continue sharing your knowledge. I’m very happy to have finally found you. Looking forward to read your posts. Thank you very much.

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