Download up-to-date exam calendars and Instructions to Candidates with the link. Please pass on quickly to any EQE candidates – the D exam will be held on Tu 11 Mar 2025.
Download up-to-date exam calendars and Instructions to Candidates with the link. Please pass on quickly to any EQE candidates – the D exam will be held on Tu 11 Mar 2025.
Brief outline of the case
The candidate sat all papers ABCD in 2024.
Only the marks received in paper A, 42, were such that the Examination Board had decided the candidate did not pass the EQE 2024.
The candidate appealed this decision.
The DBA decided to set the decision under appeal aside,
The candidate appealed the decision of the Examining Board allotting her only 42 marks for Paper B 2024, which meant that she has failed the EQE.
The candidate’s objection
The candidate argued that it was not clear from the Examiner’s Report how the 30 marks available according to the Examiner’s Report for establishing IS for claim 1 were to be obtained at all,
The update of our EPC.App reference book to legal status of 1st November 2024 is completed. Key changes since the last update in April were the UPC ratification of Romania, new referral G 1/24, amended requirements for filing and signing authorisations under Rule 152, entries on the list of representatives via MyEPO Portfolio, abolishment of Fax, legacy Mailbox and Myfiles, and updated ADA regulations.
In the self-editable online version of our EPC commentary, all changes of the update are rolled-out automatically, while personal user annotations from before the update are retained. They can be exported into a customized printable PDF offline version, which may further be ordered as colored paperback via the integrated print-on-demand service. As always, we also released this 13th edition in English and German with same content.
We have completed our major update of PCT.App for recent legal changes. Most of the changes relate to handling of languages by the RO, and the new additional reasons for forwarding to the IB under Rule 19.4 and Rule 26.3ter. The most relevant PCT updates are found at PCT Highlights.
In the self-editable online version, all changes are rolled-out automatically, retaining your personal user annotations from before the update, and allowing export to your own customized printable PDF. The same contents are also published as standalone softcover books in English or German.